Right At School Summer Camp

At 4 Schools
Chicago 60022
(855) 287-2466

Right At School offers one week, full day camps for the summer break right in your neighborhood school! These fun and enriching camps are led by our highly experienced and trained Right At School camp counselors. Campers will take part in swimming, water play, sports and recreation, science and art enrichment, and weekly field trips. We offer flexibility, too – choose any weeks throughout the summer that work for your schedule. Or, select a daily drop-in option for occasional needs. We welcome students who have completed Kindergarten through 8th grade. Check out rightatschool.com/summer-camps for dates, times, locations, and pricing information.

Nettelhorst Elementary
3252 North Broadway, Chicago, IL 60657

Onahan Elementary
6634 W Raven St, Chicago, IL 60631

Sauganash Elementary
6040 N Kilpatrick Ave, Chicago, IL 60646

Waters Elementary
4540 N Campbell Ave, Chicago, IL 60625


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