Dominican University Summer Gifted and Talented Program

7900 West Division St.
River Forest 60305
(708) 524-6525

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Summer enrichment programs for intellectually like-minded students provide inspiring opportunities for both academic and social growth. Quite often, it’s a life defining experience. The Summer Gifted and Talented Program (SGAT) is hosted by the School of Education on the beautiful campus of Dominican University in River Forest, where our classrooms are buzzing with ideas because we know that talent must be nurtured and fed to fully develop. For us, summer is the highlight of the year.

SGAT is a selective enrollment summer program that offers academically G&T and neurodivergent students entering grades 2-8 with an opportunity to electively participate in weeklong advanced and accelerated coursework with intellectually like-minded peers. Since 1987, SGAT takes tremendous pride in prioritizing healthy minds, bodies and emotional well-being to meet the unique needs of the G&T learning community. By offering challenging high caliber course offerings, daily PE class, and a full hour for lunch/recess, all students have the opportunity for academic challenge, physical movement and classroom breaks, as well as lively social engagement with a variety of meaningful peers. Strong student and teacher retention beget the many familiar faces we look forward to welcoming back each summer. A safe and supportive environment fosters the love of learning within a closely-knit community.

Sample classes include exciting offerings such as Fibonacci’s Sequence (2/3); Chemical Reactions (3/4); Hunger Games: Intro to Genetics (4/5); SketchUp Architecture (5/6); Horticulture: Food as Medicine and Political Science (5-7); Chess Masters and Rubik’s Cube (5-8); Philosophy & the Just Society and Astrophysics (6-8). Classes are fast-paced and full day, 9:30am-3pm, M-F, with 4 distinct weeks of offerings from which to choose each summer. The SGAT experience combines the best parts of school with a fun summer camp-like atmosphere where there is no pressure to perform, promote, or progress to standard. Our mission is accomplished when we know our students are well-adjusted and happily productive while learning on their own accord: Inspired Minds. Amazing Possibilities.


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