Note: Always call your destination ahead of time. Locations may change hours or close for private events.

Paniq Room

3061 W. Logan Blvd.
Chicago 60647
(312) 300-6733

At PanIQ Room, we know what it feels like to be lost in the game. Our European escape room model plunges players into lifelike scenarios, with fully-furnished escape rooms and realistic props that bring the stories to life. Our innovative high-tech puzzles will keep even the most seasoned gamers captivated, while professional voice actors draw you even further into the gameworld, and encourage your team with clues and hints-if you need them.

Must be 10 or over. For children age 10-15, an adult must be a paid player in the room while playing.

For people age 16-18, an adult must show up before the game to check the players in and sign a waiver, but the adult does not have to be in the room during the game.


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