Note: Always call your destination ahead of time. Locations may change hours or close for private events.

Thorn Creek Nature Center

247 Monee Road
Park Forest
(708) 747-6320

Thorn Creek Nature Center and Preserve were opened in 1974, and the preserve was dedicated as an Illinois State Nature Preserve in 1978. The preserve has over 3 1/2 miles of trails which meander through an oak-hickory woodland, floodplain and scenic ravines and pine plantations. A marshy vernal pond, Owl Lake, is located at the far end of the trail system, which leads to a wetland overlook. Located within the preserve is the Hornicek Farm and restored prairie. The nature center resides in a building built in 1862 and sits at the trail head. Several displays are located within the nature center, including a bird viewing station, insect display and children’s science corner.


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