What Does "Kindergarten Ready" Really Mean?
The term "kindergarten ready" is everywhere, and unless you're an education professional it can be hard to know exactly what it looks like. If you're wondering whether your kiddo is focused on all the right things, you're not alone. From the time your toddler waddles along to the summer before kindergarten, there are things you may not even know they're learning that will support their success in the kindergarten classroom.
Don't stress if she's not reading yet. Some children are reading before kindergarten, but it's not necessary. However, phonemic awareness is a critical part of early literacy. That's why we spend time on core skills like recognizing letters and sounds and reading sight words.
Independence is key. When your three-year-old exclaims "I can do it myself!" harness that power! Kindergarten is a much better experience when students independently put on jackets, zip and unzip pencil cases, wash and dry hands, and put away books. The more self-care your child is able to do on his own, the more confidence he'll have in trying and completing other tasks in the classroom.
How to be social in a group. Social readiness skills your child is learning at home and in preschool may go unnoticed until your child is in a kindergarten classroom setting. For example, understanding the importance of the personal space of friends, taking turns to speak, and ending one activity to move into another is critical to a smooth transition to elementary school.
Most importantly, remember that there is no one determining factor on whether your child is ready for kindergarten. Every child will reach his or her developmental milestones at a different pace. The milestones that are most important, like the ones here, are things you can work on together at home from the time they are tiny toddlers. Preschool settings reinforce these skills.
Preschool programs like Kiddie Academy are designed to introduce and facilitate activities that encourage lifelong learning.
Our curriculum helps your child focus on these key skills from infancy through 5 years old.
- Math: identifying numbers, shapes, counting, sorting, sequencing
- Literacy: phonetics, identifying letters, sound recognition of letters, rhyming
- Building independence
- Developing fine ad gross motor skills
- Growing social skills through teamwork, turn-taking
- Reasoning and critical thinking skills
- Learning to follow multi-step directions and focusing attention
- Character education: respect, generosity, empathy
Open House will be at these participating Kiddie Academy Locations:
Kiddie Academy of Algonquin
Kiddie Academy of Batavia
Kiddie Academy of Naperville
Kiddie Academy of Chicago Lincoln Square
Kiddie Academy of Streamwood
Kiddie Academy of Oakbrook Terrace
Kiddie Academy of Oswego
Kiddie Academy of Schaumburg