Search Results

Here are the results found for 2/4/2025.

Note: Always call your destination ahead of time to verify availability. Ongoing or weekly events and attractions may also be closed or have special holiday hours, or may occur on certain days during an extended run.

10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Age: All ages
Farmhouse Tour: Curing a Cold in the 1890s
Kline Creek Farm
Find out how families stayed healthy in winter in the 1890s. Learn which kinds of foods were...  See more
Choose your time slot
Age: Ages 4 and up
Flyover in Chicago
Navy Pier
Flyover’s exhilarating flying journey will leave you feeling like you’ve reached the seemingly...  See more
During regular hours
Age: All ages
Free Day for Illinois residents at MCA
Museum of Contemporary Art
Admission is FREE for Illinois residents on Tuesdays year round, and always free for ages 18 and...  See more
During regular hours
Age: All ages
Free Days at Brookfield Zoo
Brookfield Zoo
General Zoo Admission is free Saturdays, Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays January 2 through...  See more
During open hours
Age: All ages
Groundhog Week Ski Program (if snow)
Sagawau Environmental Learning Center
Will Sagawau Sam see his shadow on the ski trails this year? Ski by our outdoor exhibit to learn...  See more
During mall hours
Age: All ages
Hershey Super Sweet Adventure
Water Tower Place
Step into the wonderful world of the Hershey Super Sweet Adventure, where imagination and play...  See more
Reserve a time slot online
Age: All ages
Ice Skating at Maggie Daley
Ice Skating Ribbon at Maggie Daley Park
The Skating Ribbon serves as a curving rink, extending one-quarter mile with a capacity of over...  See more
Camp - Short Run/Drop In
9:15am - 10:00am and 10:15am - 11:00am
Age: Ages 1-4
Little Book Club
Connections Academics at Southport Fundamentals
The Little Book Club is a pre-literacy class for our youngest students, ages 1 to 4 years. Run...  See more
Classes: In-Person Drop-in
10:15am - 11:00am
Age: Ages 3 mo - 5 yrs
Tunes with Miss Elli
Tiny Tunes Studio at Glessner Coach House
Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tunes with Miss Elli provides a gentle introduction to your preschool...  See more
Thursday 7pm, Friday 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m., Saturday/Sunday 11 a.m., 3 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Age: All ages
Disney On Ice presents Let’s Dance! at Allstate Arena
Allstate Arena
Disney On Ice is bringing the party to hometowns across the country, and the guest list is...  See more
Ongoing Exhibits
See web site
Age: All Ages
Cats: Predators to Pets
The Field Museum
Pounce into the world of cats—from wild carnivores to domestic companions, cats have their paws...  See more
Reserve a slot online
Age: All ages
City on Fire
Chicago History Museum
The Chicago History Museum will commemorate the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 in its newest family...  See more
During regular hours
Age: All ages
Little Clint – The Story of a Baby Dinosaur
Dinosaur Discovery Museum
This permanent exhibit tells the story of a young dinosaur from his hatching during the...  See more
During regular hours
Age: All ages
Numbers in Nature: A Mirror Maze
Museum of Science and Industry
Numbers in Nature: A Mirror Maze is an interactive and immersive new permanent exhibit at the...  See more
During regular hours
Age: All ages
Polar Play Zone
John G. Shedd Aquarium
In Polar Play Zone, little ones can slip into a penguin suit and try being a bird in the Icy...  See more
10 am -4:45 pm
Age: All ages
Potential Energy: Chicago Puppets Up Close
Chicago Cultural Center
Chicago is home to a rich and growing ecology of puppet artists whose work bridges disciplines...  See more
During regular hours
Age: Ages 0-6
Together We Grow
Kohl Children's Museum of Greater Chicago
This exhibit encourages interactive, pretend, and collaborative play to spark children’s...  See more
See web site for times/locations
Age: Early childhood
Nature Storytime
Morton Arboretum at participating libraries
Enjoy half-hour nature storytimes with early childhood educators from The Morton Arboretum at...  See more
See web site for times
Age: Ages 8 and up
Circus Quixote
Lookingglass Theatre at The Joan & Paul Theatre
Somewhere in La Mancha there lived a man who read so many books that his brains dried up…Saddle...  See more
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Age: 2-10
Sleeping Beauty
Wilbur Wright College
Wednesdays - Fridays January 16-February 7. This musical retells the story of the classic fairy...  See more
See web site for schedule
Age: Preschool-4th Grade
The Jungle Book
AlphaBet Soup Productions at Multiple locations
Playing select dates at several venues. Join a young boy named Mowgli as he learns the...  See more